Sunday, September 30, 2012

A brief introduction!

My name is Lars Bos and I am currently a 5th years Masters student at Utrecht School of Economics (USE). I have been asked to share my experiences during this Master’s year, which will most probably be my last year of studies.
After finishing high school in 2007, I decided to postpone my study career for one year to go on a 8-month backpacking trip to Australia and New Zealand together with my brother. After this year of travels I started my Bachelor study Economics & Business Economics at USE, where I acquired the necessary 180 ECTS within 3 years. Instead of starting with my Master’s right away, I had decided to extend my Bachelor studies with one more year. The first halve of this year, I worked as an intern at the parcel division of PostNL, the largest parcel delivery company of the Netherlands. The second semester, I continued studying in Singapore at the Singapore Management University (SMU) to follow 4 more courses for my Bachelor program and to experience studying in a complete different environment with another culture. When I came back to the Netherlands I had already applied for the Masters program International Economics & Business, track 4: Globalisation and Development. This Masters seemed a natural extension of my Bachelor, as I happened to have followed the economic geography minor where we already discussed a lot of globalisation and development issues, which had catched my interest right away. So, I am very eager to deal with these issues in more depth in the coming year of my studies. I hope for now, I have introduced myself well enough.
I am looking forward to keep on updating you regularly about my experiences during my Master International Economics and Business at Utrecht School of Economics. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to approach me.

Best regards,

Lars Bos